At Interstellar Bot, we transform your crypto experience with advanced bots delivering real-time insights, trend analyses, and trading capabilities, all within Telegram.

Products & Features

Buy Bot

If you are in crypto, you NEED a Buy Bot. Whether you are an aspiring crypto project looking to show all the new buys coming into your community, or whether you are a lone wolf trader looking to track buys on a particular crypto, the Buy Bot is for you.

Setting up the buy bot is easy and takes less than 60 seconds

Buy Bot

Hyper Bot

Boasting some of the fastest speeds and ease of use, the interstellar Hyper Bot is your go-to bot for buying and selling your favourite coins on the blockchain. Manage multiple wallets, see all positions in an easy to view order and manage your buying and selling with ease. And best yet, all fees from using Hyper Bot are used to buyback and burn TCAT

Mega Bot

Our RoadMap

Phase 1: Initial Bot Setup and Deployment

  • arrow Set up the basic bot.
  • arrow Complete the Trend Bot flow.
  • arrow Complete the Buy Bot flow.
  • arrow Integrate with TON.
  • arrow Set up to receive real-time buy alerts.
  • arrow Design custom emojis for the bot.
  • arrow Create custom images and GIFs for buy alerts.
  • arrow Deploy the bot.

Phase 2: Advanced Features and Payments

  • arrow Integrate payment system for Trend Bot.
  • arrow Set up the Trending Channel.
  • arrow Integrate DEX for real-time data like price and market capitalization (MC).
  • arrow Develop trending algorithm.
  • arrow Implement payment flow for paid trending.

Phase 3: Hyper Bot and Optimization

  • arrow Scale the system vertically.
  • arrow Set up the Hyper Bot.
  • arrow Develop Hyper Bot flow.
  • arrow Create wallets for Hyper Bot.
  • arrow Optimize Alert & Trending Bot.
  • arrow Develop Hyper Bot buying flow.

Phase 4: Hyper Bot Selling and Settings

  • arrow Develop Hyper Bot selling flow.
  • arrow Configure Hyper Bot settings: slippage.
  • arrow Configure Hyper Bot settings: DCA option.
  • arrow Conduct final testing and optimization of Hyper Bot features.

Buy Back & Burn





Buy Back & Burn

This strategic move demonstrates our commitment to increasing token value and benefiting our community. By reducing the total supply of TCAT and TSE coins, we aim to create a deflationary effect that positively impacts their market value and stability.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback, or need assistance, feel
free to reach out to us via email.

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